Weed Control

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT209

Weed Control Outline

Learn to identify and effectively control more than 100 weeds, to design management strategies and programs and apply control techniques efficiently and safely. In the eight lessons covered in the book you learn about both chemical and non-chemical control methods (mulching, burning, mowing), the use of spray equipment and safety procedures which should be followed.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Weed Identification
  2. Weed Control Methods
  3. Chemical Weed Control.
  4. Weed Control In Specific Situations
  5. Safe Chemical Application
  6. Non-Chemical Weed Control
  7. Dealing With Specific Weed Control Problems
  8. Developing A Major Weed Control Program

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • To distinguish between different types of weeds, and identify common weed species, growing in your locality.
  • To understand the characteristics of different weed control methods.
  • To be able to explain the use of chemical herbicides to control weeds.
  • To be able to specify appropriate weed control methods, for different types of situations.
  • To determine appropriate techniques for the safe application of chemical herbicide in a specific situation.
  • To be able to explain different non-chemical weed control methods.
  • To be able to devise appropriate methods for control of weeds, for specific problems, in both the horticultural and agricultural industries
  • To be able to determine a detailed weed control program for a significant weed problem.


  • You will look at and consider 104 different varieties of weeds and prepare plant review sheets for 13 different weed plants.
  • Make up a list of information resources.
  • Plant 5 different varieties of weeds to study.
  • Make drawings of young seedlings of at least fifteen different weeds.
  • Speak/interview people who have to deal with weed control in their daily life.
  • Visit a nursery, garden shop or hardware store that sells herbicides to the public.
  • Visit at least one supplier of herbicides for industrial and agricultural use.
  • Contact 4 or 5 of the larger chemical companies for leaflets on different herbicides.
  • Investigate at least two workplaces where weed control programs are regularly carried out.
  • Visit and inspect five different sites where weeds are a problem.
  • Photograph different places that have been treated with weedicides.
  • Contact your local Department of Agriculture or Lands Department for researching purposes.
  • Visit several farmers who raise different types of livestock.
  • Develop a 12 month guideline for an integrated weed control program for a particular site

To learn how to enrol click here

Weed Control

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT209