Mushroom Production

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT310

Mushroom Production Outline

Become a Mushroom Growing Expert

There are many different types of mushrooms. To understand the culture of one, gives you a head start on understanding others. In this 100 hour course, you will focus on the most widely cultivated mushroom (ie. Agaricus). If your interests are wider than this, all is not lost. This course does provide a valuable introduction to a much wider range of mushrooms; and caqn be used as a starting point for growing any of these as well. The school has excellent and rare resources relating to growing a wide range of edible fungi; and can help set students on the right course for growing species beyond just Agaricus.


Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
  2. Review of the system of plant identification, distinguishing edible fungi, information/contacts, Classify different varieties of fungi which are commonly eaten.
  3. Mushroom Culture
  4. Learn about the techniques used in the culture of edible mushrooms.
  5. Spawn Production & Spawning
  6. Making and Casing Beds
  7. Growing Conditions for Mushrooms
  8. Growing Mushrooms Outside (Pest and Disease Management)
  9. Harvesting, Storing & Using Mushrooms
  10. Special Assignment - Marketing of Mushrooms

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • Classify different varieties of fungi which are commonly eaten
  • Determine the techniques used in the culture of edible mushrooms
  • Explain the harvesting of a mushroom crop
  • Explain the post-harvest treatment of a mushroom crop
  • Explain marketing strategies for mushroom
  • Compare the culture of a range of different commercially cultiuvated mushoom species from around the world


  • Compare the scientific with common definitions for a Mushroom
  • Explain the classification, to genus level, of ten different commercially grown edible fungi
  • Produce a labeled illustration of the morphological characteristics which are common to different edible fungi of the genus Agaricus
  • Compare the physical characteristics of different commercially cultivated edible fungi
  • Distinguish edible Agaricus mushrooms from similar, inedible fungal fruiting bodies
  • Compile a resource file of sources of information regarding edible fungi, including:
    • Publication
    • Suppliers
    • Industry associations/services
  • Determine the preferred conditions for growing two different specified mushroom genra
  • Describe the stages in the growing of Agaricus mushrooms
  • Develop criteria for selecting growing media, for different genra of edible fungi; including Agaricus
  • Describe an appropriate compost for growing of Agaricus bisporus
  • Explain how spawn is produced for different genra of edible fungi
  • Explain the use of casing in mushroom production
  • Compare different methods of growing edible fungi, in your country, including where appropriate:
    • Outdoor beds
    • In Caves
    • In buildings
    • In trays
    • In bags
    • In troughs
  • Describe different pests and diseases of mushrooms

To learn how to enrol click here

Mushroom Production

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT310